My deepest gratitude to Bhikkhu Bodhi, Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu, Bhikkhu Anālayo, and Ajahn Sujato for their tireless work in translating the early Buddhist text into modern languages. I am also grateful for their years of teaching in accordance with the true Dhamma.
A special thank you goes to the people who work to make the resource it is. Because of this work, this site has been able to link each list to the source suttas.
I often think of the many thousands of Buddhist followers throughout the centuries who have worked so hard to keep the Buddha’s teachings alive and faithful to their source. I find it humbling to be adding, in a small part, to their work.
Please remember Buddhist bhikkhus and bhikkhunīs rely on dana to continue their important work and their teaching. They will not ask for your contributions, but contributions are needed and appreciated.